What if we have extended (resolved) objects? Can talk about either integrated or surface brightnesses. If integrated brightnesses, use some sort of aperture, remember aperture corrections (though you probably can't estimate them very well, and they probably don't matter too much).
For surface brightnesses, just look at fluxes per area on sky. Remember that there will be some mixing from PSF/seeing; topic of extracting most spatial information will be discussed next time. Counts/pixel go directly to mag/square arcsec using stellar calibration, size of pixels.
If object is irregular, not much more you can do. Hard to observe faint
irregular objects accurately because of S/N. However, if object has some
degree of regularity (e.g., galaxies), one can average over regions to
increase S/N substantially. Generally, many galaxies can be fairly well
parameterized by elliptical isophotes, so if you can determine ellipse
parameters, you can average along a given isophote to increase S/N by
Note that if all isophotes are concentric and have same ellipticity, one could use elliptical aperture photometry. But many galaxies have twisting isophotes, so often one needs to solve for varying ellipticity and position angle as a function of semimajor axis.
Several methods for doing this have been presented by Kent (ApJ 266, 562) and
Lauer (ApJ 311, 34). They are similar in that they solve for elliptical
isophotes using nonlinear least squares. Both start with some a priori
guess of isophote parameters. Kent method solves for Fourier coefficients
which parametrize (observed-guess) ellipse; ellipse parameters modified
to minimize
Lauer describes galaxy as having power law surface brightness profile with
constant ellipticity/position angle between some a priori specified
semimajor axes.
How to obtain. Calibration.
Surface photometry, integrated photometry and variable pixel area effects.