Note here the link with the cos and sin series, since
The inverse transform is given by:
If you combine these two relations, you express a function f(x) as a
double integral of itself. Is this true for all functions? The
mathematical conditions are often not met for real signals, but as
long as the integral of over the entire range of
finite, and any discontinuities in
are finite.
where the integration is over the entire range in u.
Convolving thus involves sliding the mirror image of one function
along the x-axis, taking the product of that mirrored function and the
other function at each position and integrating the area under this
product (Draw this process for some simple functions, and visualize
what happens!). By replacing g(x) with a simple running mean (e.g. a
sequence such as (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2) it is easy to see that this
running mean is a convolution of f(x) with this sequence of numbers
(in this case replacing each value of f(x) with the mean value of 5
points centered on f(x)). Note: the numbers here are normalized such
that their sum is 1 (so the integral
is 1. This preserves the overall original scale of values of the
function f(x), for example in the case of imaging data, the
intensities would be conserved. Since all data is digital, it doesn't
hurt to replace ``functions'' by arrays of numbers when thinking about
taking convolutions; FTs can also be obtained digitally, through the
Fast Fourier Transform algorithm.
This process is not commutative. Cross-correlating signals allows us to determine how similar the signals are. Likewise, cross-correlation can be used to find sources in data; for example, by cross-correlating the data with an idealized point source function one is in principle able to identify locations and amplitudes of sources as peaks in the cross-correlation map.
Question: what would look like? How about
This function when multiplied with another function provides an easy way to cut out sections of other functions.
Question: what would
look like?
This is the filtering or interpolating function; this looks almost, but not quite like a sinusoid of gradually decreasing amplitude. (Plot it!). Its properties include:
is a non-zero integer
The function is very important. It is the FT of the
function, thus sinc(x) has all frequencies present with equal
strength, up to a cutoff frequency. This function, in a convolution,
therefore performs perfect low-pass filtering (as we will see when
discussing the various theorems). It is also an important
interpolation function. If the rectangle function is seen as a single
narrow slit (where the width of the slit corresponds to the
width of the rectangle function),
describes the Fraunhofer
diffraction pattern of a monochromatic light beam falling through the
slit. This illustrates in a simple way the Fourier relation between
``apertures'' and the resulting ``images'' produced by telescopes.
The two-d analog of the sinc (hence the FT of a square rectangle function in x,y plane) is a Bessel function of the first order. In optics you will learn more about the corresponding analogs of a round 2-d rectangle function (which can be seen as a round telescope mirror).
Note: this function is only defined in an integral, and you should
not interpret this as
The role of is quite important; any signal narrower than
the resolving power of your instrument or telescope is essentially
seen as an impulse function, in a mathematical sense. The function
also plays an important role in sampling. The FT of
is a
function that is 1 everywhere (an infinitely sharp function has all
frequencies present at equal strength).
Question: what is
Question: what is
Thus, multiplication with is equivalent to sampling of the
function f(x) at regular intervals. How do we control the interval
This function is relevant, since in practise we always sample a signal
and are never able to measure it completely. Likewise, any
reproduction of a singal or data in the computer involves a digitized,
sampled representation of the actual data, so all data is
sampled. Under convolution, has a replicating property,
reproducing multiple, possibly overlapping, copies of f(x). Try to
sketch this yourself. Overlapping will occur if
extends beyond
. What happens if we convolve
, for
different values of
The FT of is
If has FT
has FT
If and
have FTs
, respectively, then
has FT
If has FT
, then
has FT
This implies that a linear shift in one domain corresponds to a phase shift in the FT domain. This makes sense; you are not really changing the frequency content of a function by shifting it, so the amplitude of the FT should not change, only its phase. This theorem finds many examples in optics and radio interferometry; consider a parallel light beam falling on an aperture. To shift the diffracted beam through a small angle, one changes the angle of incidence (i.e. one changes the phase of the illumination across the aperture).
If has FT
has FT
, then
has FT
So, convolution in one domain corresponds to multiplication in the Fourier domain. This theorem makes it often quite easy to visualize the effects of convolutions or FTs, and also to obtain an impression of the FT of complex functions. Often a function can be seen as one or more products or convolutions of simple functions, and successive application of this theorem then makes it easy to visualize what happens in the Fourier domain. Example: an interferometer consisting of multiple dishes can be seen as a single telescope in which many ``holes'' have been cut, or as a replication of many single telescopes. The impact on the subsequent telescope beam (or PSF), which is related to the FT of the aperture plane, can be seen by applying this theorem.
This has the important consequence that under convolutions, typically the variances add.
Essentially, this is a statement of energy conservation.
A consequence of this is that in the case of an interferometer that does not include the ``zero spacing'', hence the 0-meter baseline, the net total recorded flux will be zero. In radio interferometry one speaks of the ``missing short baseline problem.''
A function whose FT is zero for is fully specified by
values spaced at equal intervals not exceeding
save for any harmonic term with zeros at the sampling points.
Examples: the function is fully specified by the sequence
even though
all except one sample are 0! On the other hand, the sequence
does not fully specify
the function
, because of the exception regarding harmonic
terms stated above.