- You can run the query tool from any of the Linux PCs, e.g. ganymede, using the following commands:
- source /usr/local/etc/sdssfue.csh
- setup sdssQT
- sdssQT &
- You will need to add the following line to the file .sxSites
in your home directory (which may not exist until you run sxQT once):
EDR sdssdp5.fnal.gov 2005 fermiEDR
- To access the current collaboration data bases, install
this .sxSites files
in your home directory.
- If you are accessing the collaboration data base instead of
the EDR database, you may need to start sdssQT with the -oldserver command
line option (see message on sxQT versions)
- This will pop up a window and login box. At the bottom, you can
select which database to query. If you choose the EDR (early data release)
database (this is the publically accessible one), then you can log
on using username guest and password archive.
Jon Holtzman