VISTA can store the specifications for up to 20 boxes defining image sub-sections. These parameters can be used by other commands (such as TV, WINDOW and PRINT) by including 'BOX=' in the command line, modifying these commands so they operate only on the designated subsection.
When a box is initially defined, the size of the box in both dimensions center must be specified; use both the NR and NC keywords, or for the case of a square box, the N= keyword may also be used. If the origin or center is not given, the box is assumed to start at row 0 and column 0. You may change the origin and size of the box later by entering only the changes on the command line. All parameters not given on the command line are left unchanged.
By default, the VISTA boxes have fixed origins, so if you only change the box size, then the origin with be preserved. By using the CENT keyword, however, you can change this to a center based system, where the center of the box will be preserved. The CENT keyword acts as a toggle switch between the two modes - once it is set in one mode, it remains in that mode until explicitly changed by the user.
The INT command allows you to define boxes interactive on the video display. Follow the instructions given.
Examples of changing the location of boxes.
Suppose we have defined box 1 as in example 1 above.
The locations of the defined boxes can be found with the PRINT BOXES command.
All spectra have start row 0 and 1 row. Thus, to define a box for use with
spectra, use
You can display the boundaries of defined boxes on the television. See the command TVBOX.