SET: Define a VISTA Variable and Assign it a Value

SET defines VISTA variables in terms of numerical constants, other variables, or the result of arithmetic operations between other variables. The name of a VISTA variable is any alphanumeric string. The value of the variable is a floating point number. VISTA supports an internal variable table which holds variables defined by you or as the output of a program. These variables can be used to pass the results of arithmetic calculations to keywords, to control the flow of a procedure in IF tests or DO loops, or to store convenient numbers in symbolic form.

Each SET command can handle up to 15 definitions. Each definition must include an '=' sign with the name of the new variable to its left, and a defining expression to its right. The expression on the right may be any proper VISTA arithmetic expression (see the section MATH for rules on expressions).


NOTE: All operations are done in double precision floating point. There must be no spaces between the beginning of 'var_name' and the end of 'value'.


The command SET may be left off when defining variables. This saves lots of time. Just use an arithmetic expression defining a variable. Examples: