Up: Potsdam 2003
Previous: Star formation rate as
- Summary of results
- So far, fortunately, no strong evidence for IMF variations, but that
doesn't mean for sure that they're not there
- MW and M31 bulges differ. Disks contain stars of wide range of ages,
with no clear strong burstiness.
- Wide range of SFHs apparent in LG galaxies.
- No strong evidence for extreme burstiness in star formation rates in
majority of LG galaxies. Mild variations of SF rate likely.
- Dwarfs away from large galaxies all have ongoing SF
except Tucana, Antlia?, Cetus?
- Dwarfs near to large galaxies don't have ongoing SF
except LMC, SMC
- SF not generally correlated with luminosity or mass (latter may
be uncertain, however). Higher mass systems generally have ongoing
SF, but not NGC 147, 185, 205
- What is responsible for variety of SF histories?
- Does variety of SFHs occur because SF is a stochastic process?
- Does variety of SFHs occur because present-day properties of galaxies
may not reflect past ones?
- Does variety of SFHs reflect interaction epoch/orbital characteristics
of a galaxy?
- What are the processes that are most important for
triggering star formation?
- Seems plausible that bursting mode is related to interactions. But
why not always?
- Evidence for effect of ionizing background?
- LG stellar populations as a cosmological training
- Challenges from the stellar populations perspective
for the LCDM paradigm
- The MW halo. Chemically cannot be assembled from present-day dwarfs.
- Disks in LG appear to have stars of wide range of ages
- Large fraction (all?) present galaxies appear to host ancient
- Abundance-luminosity relation, spread, and observed abundance ratios
- What are the best observational constraints for models?
- Concentrate on quantities that are robust, i.e. the ``climate, not
the local weather''
- Relative numbers of stars in broad age bins as function of
current galaxy luminosity, morphology, location
- ``Burstiness-index'', e.g. what fraction of stars are formed
in SF events that have SFR greater than some significant multiple
of the mean SFR, but can only constrain in bins of
- What do we need from models?
- How important is stellar mixing within individual systems?
- How are current day global properties related to past ones? Are
LG dwarfs single primordial systems?
- Models must attempt to consider chemical information
- How representative is the Local Group from a cosmological
- The Future
- Better, homogeneous, SF histories. Incorporation of external
information: metallicities, metallicity distributions, abundance ratios
- Better MW data, e.g. RAVE, GAIA, SIM, etc.
- Main sequence turnoff photometry throughout the Local Group? Almost
certainly for MW neighbors from ground-based photometry, but will need
to be well motivated to do throughout the Local Group (a finite
data set!); at least, HB photometry?
- Proper motions and orbits of LG galaxies
- SF histories from more distant galaxies: resolved bright stars
and unresolved systems
- The End
Up: Potsdam 2003
Previous: Star formation rate as