- LMC (Smecker-Hane et al 2001, Dolphin 2000,
Holtzman et al 1999, Olsen 1999). No strong bursts obvious.
Bar has different population from disk. Oldest clusters
as old as oldest MW clusters.
CMD, Smecker-Hane et al 2001, Fig 1
SFH, Smecker-Hane et al 2001, Fig 5
- SMC (Dolphin et al 2001, but also see Harris, this
conference): no strong bursts evident. Oldest stars as old
as oldest MW stars
CMD, Dolphin et al 2001, Fig 8
SFH, Dolphin et al 2001, Fig 13
- IC10 (Hunter 2001): Stars down to 6
IMF in ``starburst'' consistent with
normal, depending on SFH. IMF in field steeper than normal
under assumption of constant SFR. Few small clusters, no
super star clusters.
CMD, Hunter 2001, Fig 6
- IC1613 (Skillman 2003): dominant intermediate age population,
some old stars, no strong evidence for bursts
CMD, Skillman et al 2003, Fig 2
SFH, Skillman et al 2003, Fig 14
- NGC 6822 (Wyder 2003, 2001, Gallart 1997): roughly
constant SFR, with likely contribution from a very old
population required
CMD, Wyder 2003, Fig 2
SFH, Wyder 2003, Fig 2
- Sex A (Dolphin et al 2003) suggest relatively constant
recent rate, but strong increase about 2.5 Gyr ago; data
strongly inconsistent with constant SFR. Depends on accurate
modelling of completeness for faintest stars.
CMD, Dolphin et al 2003, Fig 1
SFH, Dolphin et al 2003, Fig 9
- WLM (Dolphin 2000): some old stars required (HB detected
by Rejkuba et al 2000) , but then
a lull in SF until more recent activity (but CMD is not
particularly deep)
CMD, Dolphin 2000, Fig 2
SFH, Dolphin 2000, Fig 3
- Pegasus: Gallagher 1998: SF probed only over last Gyr
or so, roughly constant rate but with apparent significant
recent increase. Aparicio et al 1997 suggest evidence for
old population with recent bursting mode
CMD, Gallagher et al 1997, Fig 4
SFH, Gallagher et al 2000, Fig 13
- GR8: Dohm-Palmer et al 1998: recent SF history relatively
- Leo A. Dolphin et al 2002 detect RR Lyraes, indicating
ancient population. Schulte-Ladbeck also find RHB stars.
Tolstoy et al suggested predominantly young galaxy, but
apparently this is not the case. Population gradient exists.
- Sag DIG.
- LGS 3. Miller et al detect HB stars. Suggest strong
component of very old stars, followed by much lower, but
constant SFH, with population gradient such that outer
regions have more declining SFH.
CMD, Miller et al 2001, Fig 3
SFH, Miller et al 2001, Fig 5
- Phoenix. Held et al and Holtzman et al find HB stars,
and in fact, stars at wide range of ages
CMD, Holtzman et al 2000, Fig 2
SFH, Holtzman et al 2000, Fig 6
- Aquarius.
Jon Holtzman