NOTES FOR TABLE 2 of Paper 6 (file=Paper6Table2.txt) values of "9999" indicate no data Table columns: (1) QSO identifier (2) Julian 2000 designation (J-Name) (3) galaxy spectroscopic redshift (4) MgII absorption redshift (5) MgII 2796 rest-frame equivalent width [angstroms] (6) uncertainty in equivalent width [angstroms; -1.0 indicates upper limit] (7) MgII doublet ratio (8) uncertainty in doubelt ratio (9) reference for columns 4, 5, and 6 (10) quasar-galaxy impact parameter [kpc] (11) k-correction to obtain M_B (from mag listed in col 8 of Table 1) (12) absolute B-band magnitude, M_B [AB] (13) B-band luminosity, L_B/L*_B (14) k-correction to obtain M_K (from mag listed in col 11 of Table 1) (15) absolute K-band magnitude, M_K [AB] (16) K-band luminosity, L_K/L*_K (17) rest-frame color, B-K [AB]. Table Notes: References: (1) Guillemin, P., & Bergeron, J. 1997, A&A, 328, 499 (GB97) (3) Kacprzak, G.G., Churchill, C.W., Evans, J.L., et al. 2011, MNRAS, 416, 3118 (KCEMS11) (6) Chen, H.-W., Helsby, J.E., Gauthier, J.R., et al. 2010, ApJ, 714, 1521 (Chen10) (10) Kacprzak, G.G., Churchill, C.W., Barton, E.J., & Cooke, J. 2011, ApJ, 733, 105 (KCBC11) (13) Evans, J.L. 2011, Ph.D. Thesis, New Mexico State University (14) This work