NOTES FOR TABLE 1 of Paper 3 (file=Paper3Table1.txt) values of "9999" indicate no data Table columns: (1) QSO identifier (2) Julian 2000 designation (J-Name) (3) galaxy spectroscopic redshift (4) quasar-galaxy impact parameter [kpc] (5) absolute SDSS r-band magnitude, M_r [AB] (6) galaxy virial mass in log space, log (M_h/M_sun) [log Msun] negative uncertainty on virial mass [log Msun] positive uncertainty on virial mass [log Msun] (7) galaxy maximum circular velocity, V_c^{max} [km/s] negative uncertainty on maximum circular velocity [km/s] positive uncertainty on maximum circular velocity [km/s] (8) galaxy virial radius, Rvir [kpc] negative uncertainty on Rvir [kpc] positive uncertainty on Rvir [kpc] (9) impact parameter normalized by the virial radius, etav (D/Rvir) [unitless] positive uncertainty on etav [unitless] negative uncertainty on etav [unitless] (10) cooling radius, Rc [kpc] positive uncertainty on Rc [kpc] negative uncertainty on Rc [kpc] (11) impact parameter normalized by the cooling radius, etac (D/Rc) [unitless] negative uncertainty on etac [unitless] positive uncertainty on etac [unitless] (12) cooling radius normalized by the virial radius, Rc/Rv [unitless] positive uncertainty on Rc/Rv [unitless] negative uncertainty on Rc/Rv [unitless] (13) MgII 2796 rest-frame equivalent width [angstroms] uncertainty in equivalent width [angstrongs; -1.0 indicates upper limit] Table Notes: (a) Uncertainties are based upon uncertainties in the virial masses (column 6). For some quantities a larger (smaller) virial mass results in a smaller (larger) value such that the uncertainties anti-correlate. [Applies to columns 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12] (b) Because the slope of Rc changes sign as a function of virial mass, where the slope is positive the uncertainties correlate and where the slope is negative they anti-correlate (see Figure 11). In the narrow virial mass ranges where the slope of Rc changes sign, it is possible that both the upward and downward uncertainties in virial mass can result in an upward (or downward) uncertainty in Rc. Note on column (6): The units for the virial mass are M_sun in log space. There are no h^-1 factors in the value.